ctrl+space to trigger autocomplete | shift+enter to parse
shift+enter to parse these documents, analyze them with mongodb-schema dynamically update the autocompletion `fields` suggested in the Query input.
_id: ObjectID('582242f21af66599dff0f694'),
name: 'Lucas Hrabovsky',
first_name: 'Lucas',
last_name: 'Hrabovsky',
avatar: {
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apps: [
name: 'MongoDB Compass'
created_at: '2015-07-08T16:58:51.000Z',
is_team: false,
is_bot: false,
localized_sender_name: 'Lucas from MongoDB Compass',
department: 'Unknown',
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can_send_messages: true,
role: 'full_access',
description: 'Full access',
descriptions: ['Full access']
location_data: {
latitude: 40.7317,
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city_name: 'New York',
country_name: 'United States',
timezone: 'America/New_York'
has_unseen_changes: true
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